Monday, September 8, 2014

My Love for Words!

As some of you know, I am currently writing my first novel and I can finally say I see the light at the end of the tunnel. A novel should have around 60,000 words and I am over the 51,000 mark and I have finally discovered my ending. I am very excited, and I can't wait to share my work with you!

I have always enjoyed words-those written, spoken, sung…words can be so important. They can build up, they can tear down and sometimes they can make you laugh….

Last week, I had a couple of experiences with my students that left me laughing A LOT!!!

Every day when my students enter the classroom, they are greeted with a quote on the whiteboard. They know the routine, write the date, the quote, who said it, then write what they think it means. This is always my introduction to the topic we will be studying for the day. Last week, I had an anonymous quote on the board and one of my students raised his hand and asked, "Mrs. Phillips, did Anonymous just go around and say stuff like that all the time!"

Seriously, it happened! I laughed all day.

At children's church last night after we had finished our lesson, we asked if any of them had any questions, one of the younger kids in class ask, "Is it true that if you eat a page of math problems it makes you smarter?"

Again, laughter with tears!!!

These guys are so precious and so open to ask questions even when they do receive laughter as an answer. Oh that we could always be so free to ask. My favorite words happen to be found in the Holy Bible.

Our Sunday School lesson yesterday was on our purpose and our plan. God has created us for the same purpose-to Glorify Him. He has designed a unique plan for each of us and it is only after prayer and studying His Word that we discover what His plan for us is. As I feel asleep last night, I received several texts from people I care about. Some of them just wanting to talk, some sharing their day and sending their love, and one in particular who needed to hear some words of encouragement. I read his message and the thought purpose and plan popped into my head. The young man is lonely. He has no family and he seeks me out for comfort when he starts to feel alone and scared. I shared our lesson with him and left him with the advice to get his Bible out and read God's Words, the only words that give peace that passeth all understanding.

God's Word. 

Dear Lord,
I pray that your Word would become more precious to me each and every day. Help me to share it with others!

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